About Makhayo

"We as a brand envisage promoting healthy snacking. Our primary product is Makhana urf fox nut and we aim to unfold the undiscovered benefits of this king of superfoods to the world"

Our Vision

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Our vision is to help people lead healthier lives by changing their snacking habits. Too often, people rely on unhealthy junk food to get them through the day to beat their hunger. We believe that makhana is the perfect example of a snack that can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet, and we want to encourage people to include it in their daily lives!

Our Mission

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Our mission is to help people adopt healthier eating habits, primarily when it comes to snacking. We believe that snacks don't always have to be unhealthy junk food - makhana is a perfect example of a delicious and nutritious snack that we want people to include in their daily lives!

Our Step By Step Process

"We are in the market to provide quality makhana for our customers. Therefore we would never compromise the quality. Here is the process of how our makhana is been packed and delivered to our customers.


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